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fried duck liver中文是什么意思

用"fried duck liver"造句"fried duck liver"怎么读"fried duck liver" in a sentence


  • 炒鸭肝


  • Fried duck liver with butter sauce
  • Included in the buffet is a choice of appetizers from the restaurant s antipasto table where an unlimited fresh lobsters and oysters is available ; freshly made pasta prepared only to order at a cooking station in the restaurant and a choice of main courses which changes weekly , including linguine alla sabatini ; pan - fried snapper fillet with vine - ripe tomatoes , capers and black olive sauce ; braised free - range chicken cacciatora style with wild mushrooms and polenta ; grilled slices of beef tenderloin with white wine navy beans and spring potatoes and chef s personal favourite , pan - fried duck liver with black truffle sauce
    享受丰富头盘后,您更可于四款意式主菜当中,选择其中一款心爱美馔。新增美食推介包括驰名的sabatini鲜茄海鲜幼面,丰富海鲜如地中海虾青口带子蚬肉等,配合sabatini特制的鲜番茄汁意大利面,味道香浓,意粉真正al dente !此外,每位赠送意大利餐酒一杯,配搭不同主菜更能带出食物的flavour 。
用"fried duck liver"造句  
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